Fiche cheval justice protecol

R6C3platgroupe iii 9451meydan (e.a.u)1600M298152burj nahaar17 partantsdépart à 12:40
Non-partants : 11
17laurel riverM67p(22)1p1ptadhg o'shea/101:36
28qareebM61p3p1p5poscar chavez/16 l 1/2
33everfastH80p(23)5p4p5psam hitchcott/13 l
417al jaddafH52p9p3p(23)7psaif al balushi/12 l
513swing voteH41p1p(23)1p9pwilliam buick/1tete
61asad zabeelM51p3p(23)8p5pjim crowley/1encolure
72celtic princeH90p0p4p(23)3pbernardo pinheiro/11 l 1/2
85justice protecolM50p4p(23)6p3pkevin stott/11 l
96king ottomanM5(23)8p6p8p2ppatrick cosgrave/11 l 1/2
1014thegreatcollectionH107p1p(23)8p8padrie de vries/1encolure
119quality humorH53p3p(23)8p0pconnor beasley/13/4 l
1212southern artistH42p8p(23)1p4pjamie spencer/13 l
1316western writerH55p5p(23)0p6pandrew slattery/12 l
1415vagalameH5(23)1p5p6p5proyston ffrench/19 l 1/2
154hypotheticalM71p0p(23)7pmickael barzalona/11 l 3/4
1610royal mewsH74p(23)9p0p3prichard mullen/1encolure
11sound moneyM64p(23)9p1ppatrick dobbs/1

R7C6platcourse a conditions 47045meydan (e.a.u)1900M51191al bastakiya trial presented by longines saintimier13 partantsdépart à 16:55
113witheringM33p(21)2p2p2padrie de vries/102:01
24khantaro d'oroH3(21)2p7p2p3pantonio fresu/12 l 1/2
39secret imageH3(21)2p1p3pwilliam buick/11 l 3/4
412violent justiceM3(21)1p6ppatrick dobbs/13/4 l
58quality humorM3(21)2p5psaif al balushi/11 l 1/4
65king of conquestM32p(21)3p1pjames doyle/11/2 l
710steinarM37p(21)1p1pmartin rodriguez/1encolure
87night of luxuryH36p4p(21)3p7pgabriele malune/14 l 1/2
91al moftyH37p(21)5pray dawson/11 l
103justice protecolM38p(21)2p1p8ptadhg o'shea/12 l 1/2
116naderM36p6p(21)1p0planfranco dettori/12 l
122first of novemberM36pmickael barzalona/119 l
1311union redM39proyston ffrench/11 l 3/4

R8C2platcourse a conditions 47697meydan (e.a.u)1800M51191jumeirah derby trial presented by park avenue by azizi10 partantsdépart à 14:35
13island falconM3(21)1p3planfranco dettori/101:47
27new kingdomM3(21)1p5pwilliam buick/11 l 1/4
38pjerrotM3(21)1p2p1p5pdane o'neill/11 l 3/4
49sed maaribH32p(21)0p6p2ptadhg o'shea/11 l 1/4
55mr professorH33p(21)1p0p3prossa ryan/11 l 1/4
66naderM36p(21)1p0ppatrick cosgrave/12 l 1/2
71al moftyH3(21)5pray dawson/12 l
84justice protecolM3(21)2p1p8pmickael barzalona/15 l 1/2
910yesmorerichH35p(21)8psaif al balushi/110 l
102caio sharkM3(21)2p0p1p7pantonio fresu/1encolure

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